Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well, I guess it's finally time that I start a blog since everyone in the world has one. It is just me and my three little ones. Logan and Mia are 4 now. They truly are double trouble. They keep me on my toes but I love them so much. They are in the preschool class at their daycare and can write their names. Gabriel is 7 1/2 months old now. He is sitting up, moving quite well though not crawling, and has two teeth. He said his first word on Thursday. It was so cute! We were playing and he yelled "MOMMY" and though he was the best thing ever. But he has yet to say it again. I am working at a non-profit and for the most part love what I do. I would much rather be at home with my babies, but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to.

Our lives are so different than they were a year ago. But we have each other, wonderful family and friends, and the best ward ever. Thank you to everyone who has been there for us. I know that I would not be able to do what I do without you. It means so much to me to know that I have people that I can count on. And I know that we will get through this as long as we are doing the things that we should. I love you all.


  1. Oh I love you too! And you didn't tell me that Gabe said his first word or he has two teeth! Holy Crap lady your suppose to keep me informed! Tell the kiddos I love them... and I am so proud you have finally caught up with the rest of the world on the blogging thing...j/j I barely got on myself. Hope you enjoy!

  2. Ok lady get more pics up of those kids, and you!

  3. Hey Adrienne! I love that I get to reconnect with you--it's been so long!!! I love, love, love your blog title bar quote. You're SERIOUSLY such a rock star! :)

    I have a blog, which I SOMETIMES update (I'm not very good about it). Anyway, it's:

    Love ya!
    Jenny :)
